Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fox News Poops on the Truth

Let's get one thing straight on Megyn Kelly. First off, she needs to learn how to spell. What a cruel, Freakanomics-like joke of a spelling of a first name. Second, this woman believes anything put on the teleprompter and fed to her. So, of course, this absolutely nonsensical story is going to be broken by this idiot.

Luckily, the Washington Times does not take this report as complete fact, but it's important to note that Ms. Kelly seemed very enthusiastic about it, and even had the report's author, who works for a Pentagon subcontractor, on to discuss how correct it was.

This is fear-mongering on another level. Linkage theory is already considered asinine by conservatives, in its use by Arab states to explain their problems as being due to Israel's existence. This feeds into a twisted conspiracy that foreign entities worked to put Obama into office, and that George W. Bush had no responsibility in making the government's relationship with the economy as laissez faire as possible so that the subprime mortgage crisis could derail what was an economy on steroids. The Republicans want to turn back the clock and change the story to say that it wasn't them who allowed this to happen, in the way that Bush introduced tax cuts and blamed the Clinton administration for inflating a debt that Bush produced all by himself.

Revisionist history like this disgusts me. While the Republicans whine about Obama's socialist programs that would actually be beneficial to poorer people, they extol the legacy of Ronald Reagan on his 100th birthday, when Reagan was the man who, as Andrew Bacevich put it in the HBO documentary about him, asked us to relax and not worry because there will be oil forever, while turning around and giving huge tax cuts to the rich expecting their spending to trickle down to the lower class, which never happened.

And if there is one person who you shouldn't trust on financial matters, it is a Pentagon subcontractor. The Pentagon is notorious for going over budget, and this is mainly to pay subcontractors like this. The American Intelligence Community is split up so that agencies focus on different aspects of keeping the US safe and ahead in the game of international politics. When there is overlap, they should work together, but as we saw in the failure to prevent terrorist attacks along with counterespionage operations by the Soviet Union during the Cold War, cooperation does not always work out. And if anyone should be investigating, there is an Intelligence unit within the Treasury who would be monitoring

But what does Megyn Kelly know? Here's a list:

1. What's on the teleprompter-she reads this

2. Coming up with questions that lead herself and whoever she is leading through questions to bash Democrats-she ignores any other questions, like:
a. Isn't there an intelligence agency within the federal government that is supposed to look into financial or economic warfare?
b. Why are you engaging in economic research for the Pentagon? It may be part of the Unconventional Warfare Program, but aren't there more important economic research topics to look into, like the theft of technology?

c. Isn't it kind of ridiculous that we call it economic terrorism when China actually owns such a large share of our debt?

But Ms. Kelly has no reason to ask the questions, because they are not part of the Fox News agenda. And of course, who is watching Fox News at 1:30PM? Unemployed people, who are probably pissed that they don't have jobs. Just fanning the fire, Ms. Kelly. Rupert Murdoch thinks that's good hustle.

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